昨秋、金沢21世紀美術館で開催された『チョコレート 至福の名を与えられしもの』展で、東京香堂 @tokyokodo_jp の調香師ペレス千夏子さんがエッセンスによる香りのinvisible art 作品を発表しました。その一環として、同展に合わせて調香し、デビューした「CACAO」。
原 料:カカオ / ドライフルーツ/ シプリオール / 椨粉他
内 容:スティック12本、真鍮香立1個
長 さ: 135mm
Cacao trees are the trees that bring us chocolate and are of the genus Thebroma-Greek for "food of the gods." People have considered cacao a sacred food since ancient times, and used it as an offering in rituals and special ceremonies. The mysterious energy that lies within is expressed through its invisible scent.
Cacao/Dried fruits/Cypriol/Machilus Thunbergii powder etc.
12incense sticks, 1 blass incense holder
Length : 135mm
Burning time : Approx 25 minutes]
Box size:H150×W600×D18mm
Made in Japan
-Always use an incense holder.
-Please place the fireproof paper or a ceramic plate under the incense holder.
-Keep out of reach of children and animals.
-Avoid high temperatures and humidity.
-Burning time depends on surroundings and season.
-Do not use close to flammable objects.
-When burning incense, do not leave it unattended.
Please use carefully and responsibly.
Other Items
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