φ45 x H85mm / 85cc (紙化粧箱入)
有田焼窯元 やま平窯製 Made in Japan
▪️Egg Shell Standard / エッグシェル スタンダード(English follows)
Egg Shell シリーズ/KAORI:2013年第110回九州山口陶磁展(現・有田国際陶磁展)
エッグシェル Kaori グランプリ 経済産業大臣賞受賞
Yamaheigama is a pottery of Arita porcelain, located in Saga Prefecture in Japan.
Devoting a great deal of time and effort, and with careful craftsmanship,they make products that bring surprise and impression.
The Egg Shell series, produced by their unique technique using special clay with high translucency, consists of porcelains that are as thin as an egg
shell and with distinctive whiteness. The series is one of attention- grabbing masterpieces.
Yamaheigama takes advantage of the proven techniques and abundant experience that they have accumulated through being as a pottery of Arita porcelain. Aiming for further progress while following the tradition, they devote themselves to pursuing their craftsmanship every day.
Other Items
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